Thursday, July 26, 2012

Tutorial - UDK Dx11 Tessellation/Displacement Icicle Material

Even though I shared pictures of my icicle material, I had quite a few people ask if I could make a tutorial video, so I gave it a shot:

Friday, July 13, 2012

Unity Nature Environment

Here is another project that I did over the past week or so.

This was actually an environment for a game being designed for (and by) children with muscular dystrophy.  The team developing the project wanted a high quality environment that matched their specifications.  The team was using the Unity Game Engine.  They have a blog documenting the development here: 

A large chunk of the assets were provided for me.  All of the terrain assets (trees, rocks, textures, plant textures, etc) were provided for me.  I was responsible for creating layout out of the path and creating the terrain from scratch using their assets.  There were a handful of assets that did need to be created by me.

As previously mentioned, the project is being developed in the Unity Game Engine, which I'm quite comfortable with.  The company I work for uses the Unity Engine, and I've been working with it professionally for a few years now.

Here is one of the areas that players travel too.  I ended up modifying the waterfall assets fairly heavily, and I did the water at the base from scratch using my own materials.
An overview showing the terrain of the environment.  
A shot showing the path to the waterfall area.
The "fire area"  This is the first stop along the path.  I created the fire and smoke using Unity's Shuriken particle editor.
Part of the path I created.  The right side enters a more desert like section, while the left continues down the trail with a fork in the middle. The desert area is a sharp contrast to the nature design of the environment, so I did my best to create a smooth transition between both.  In this shot I created the sign.
The desert like "gravity area"  The rocks and the diamond were provided for me.  I made the columns and the circular stone pattern in the center.

City/Energy area.  I modeled the metal platform, but unwrapped it to work with provided textures.  Also I modified the shader to include cube mapped reflections.  I also created the cityscape in the background.

These are some of the assets that I needed to create for the environment.  All these assets were completed in a few hours or less.